CycleTrapScalper_GBPJPY | 優秀なEAが無料で使える|TRADERS-pro【トレプロ】トレーダーズプロ


プロフィットファクター 1.33 ※バックテスト参考値
Strategy Tester Report
OANDA-Japan Practice (Build 1045)
Period 15 Minutes (M15) 2005.01.11 03:30 - 2016.12.30 23:45 (2005.01.01 - 2016.12.31)
Model Every tick (the most precise method based on all available least timeframes)
Parameters FUNDA=0; magic=20160501; lots1=0.1; lots2=0.2; profitPipsST1=300; profitPipsST2=150; losscutPips=100; trapIntervalPips=20; EntryStartHourJPN=15; EntryEndHourJPN=24; FridayTejimaiMode=1; FridayTejimaiHourJPN=20; MondayTRADEOFF=0; TuesdayTRADEOFF=0; WednesdayTRADEOFF=0; ThursdayTRADEOFF=0; FridayTRADEOFF=1; modifyPatternST1=9; modifyPatternST2=3; TestGMTOffset=3;
Bars in test 291855 Ticks modelled 230405982 Modelling quality 89.97%
Mismatched charts errors 0
Initial deposit 10000.00 Spread 20
Total net profit 13227.54 Gross profit 52907.06 Gross loss -39679.52
Profit factor 1.33 Expected payoff 14.68
Absolute drawdown 431.49 Maximal drawdown 1407.96 (8.37%) Relative drawdown 8.37% (1407.96)
Total trades 901 Short positions (won %) 453 (34.66%) Long positions (won %) 448 (43.30%)
Profit trades (% of total) 351 (38.96%) Loss trades (% of total) 550 (61.04%)
Largest profit trade 266.26 loss trade -177.51
Average profit trade 150.73 loss trade -72.14
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 5 (373.85) consecutive losses (loss in money) 10 (-948.32)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 1064.70 (4) consecutive loss (count of losses) -948.32 (10)
Average consecutive wins 1 consecutive losses 2